Sunday, February 24, 2008

Do you have an elevator pitch?

In other 15 seconds, could you tell a group of folks in an elevator what you do for a living and sell them on it?

If you have a hard time describing to folks what it is that you exactly do for a living that take a visit to 15SecondPitch

This cool site teaches you how to market yourself in just 15 seconds.

But...that's not all!

According to the 15SecondPitch website, this tool is designed to
  • help you discover who you are and what you really want
  • A way to focus your thinking on what is most important
  • A great introduction and conversation starter
  • A way to organize the thinking process for any new venture
  • An effective multi-channel personal marketing tool to communicate consistently via email, on the telephone, in person, or on your business cards.
What 15SecondPitch is NOT:
  • A scripted, cheesy, tone-deaf sales pitch
  • A substitute for effective interpersonal interaction
  • A grocery list of all the things you do or know
  • A so-called elevator pitch for investors (although it makes a great introduction for one)
So visit this cool new site and let me know what you think! And don't forget to share with me what your 15 Second Pitch!

Have a great week!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Rackspace Technical Job Fair--Feb 13th, 2008

Mark your calendars and spread the word!! Rackspace is holding a Technical Job Fair at the Monarch Event Center this Wednesday, February 13th from 5:30-8pm.

Bring your best smile and an updated resume! Don't be shy....come on by!! Hope to see you there!

Rackspace Technical Job Fair
February 13th, from 5:30-8pm
Monarch Event Center
6406 North I-35 Ste. 3100, Austin Tx 78752

Rackspace is Hiring Fanatical:
Windows and Linux Systems Administrators
Java and Python Developers
Network Security Professionals
Windows Systems Engineers
Ruby on Rails Developers
For more info, visit

Wednesday, February 6, 2008 have to check it out!

I just stumbled upon this website called 43things. The purpose of this website is to write down your goals and get reminders sent to you daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, you get the idea. It also shows you how many other people logged into the system who share the same goals as you! There is a lot more that it here for more info!

Monday, February 4, 2008

I'm on what?

Listen up, folks!! There are millions of people that login to on a daily basis. Well- in case you didn't know, recruiters and sourcers LOVE finding candidates on this site.I know that when I first joined facebook I didn't think it was that user friendly. Well, Jason Alba, of JibberJobber, has come to the rescue!! Jason's has written, "I'm on what?" and it is ready for you to purchase (ebook or paperback)! For more information on how to get the latest tips and tricks on facebook, you must click here!

Work/Life balance? Do you have it?

My husband is about to end his career in the oil business. Mostly because the industry he is in does not offer a very good work/life balance. With three kids, growing up before our very eyes, time is VALUABLE.

It made me think about how many folks out in the blogosphere who might have left his/her 12 hour work days that paid extremely well, but left you with little to no family time. When do you get to the point where enough is enough? How were you able to find that happy medium?

I am interested in hearing YOUR story!