Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Hello---job applicant!!

This post is geared to those who are currently on the job hunt and might not be having much luck. Is your resume not getting the attention it deserves? Unfortunately, when folks apply to jobs that can often times fall into the "black hole"-where his/her resume does not even get looked at.

What you need to do is think outside the paper resume! Get creative! Make the recruiter/sourcer come to you!! Need ideas?? I'm glad you asked!

Almost everyone by now has heard of YouTube. Why not go the extra mile and make a video resume? Check out this applicant's resume video here ! I really believe that this is the next big thing. Paper resumes are so yesterday!

Another idea of getting your name out there---start blogging! Yes---recruiters (good recruiters, at least) read blogs!! Blog about your experience, the latest news in your industry and your pursuit of your next gig!

Lastly, I want to highlight that recruiters/sourcers also check online social communities such as Myspace and Facebook. So REMEMBER---if you are currently on the job market, advertise on your profile page and keep it CLEAN!!

For more tips shoot me an email me anytime!

Monday, October 15, 2007

What a week!!

I just got back from my Rookie Orientation from the AWESOME company I joined as a Recruiter III for Rackspace Managed Hosting. I have to admit (as well as brag)----this is by far the most amazing onboarding experience I have had with a company. The entire week was focused on learning about the company culture and the services it offers to its customers. The CEO and founders even spoke to our class (Kappa class 2007).....all highlighting the importance of keeping the employees happy. Happy employees=Fanatical customer service=$$$.

I am currently on the hunt for Windows Admins, Linux Admins and Network Security Admins. If you are interested, please email me at amanda.papp@rackspace.com

Friday, October 5, 2007

Starting my new job on Monday!!

I'm so excited to start my new job with "awesome" company on Monday! I must admit--I'm pretty nervous! I'm 8 months, yes I said 8 months PREGO and I am starting a new job! CRAZY huh?? I am going to waddle in their with a positive attitude and soak up as much as I can about the company, culture and practices. I come back home on Friday night and will telecommute until this little bambino arrives---then we will plan to make the big move to San Antonio and I will start working on-site. Wish me luck!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Meet me at Ziggs!


Let the CRAZINESS begin!!

We are officially putting our house on the market today. The realtor is coming over to take pics and will be posting it on the MLS tonight. I can't believe we are selling our house, moving to another city, buying another house, starting a new job....oh yeah---and having a baby too!!! PRAY that I make it through the next few months without having a nervous breakdown!!