If you have a hard time describing to folks what it is that you exactly do for a living that take a visit to 15SecondPitch
This cool site teaches you how to market yourself in just 15 seconds.
But...that's not all!
According to the 15SecondPitch website, this tool is designed to
- help you discover who you are and what you really want
- A way to focus your thinking on what is most important
- A great introduction and conversation starter
- A way to organize the thinking process for any new venture
- An effective multi-channel personal marketing tool to communicate consistently via email, on the telephone, in person, or on your business cards.
- A scripted, cheesy, tone-deaf sales pitch
- A substitute for effective interpersonal interaction
- A grocery list of all the things you do or know
- A so-called elevator pitch for investors (although it makes a great introduction for one)
Have a great week!